What amount are you paying in direct “visible” fees?
What indirect “hidden” fees are you also paying?
What was the impact of the fees you paid in the past on your asset values?
Learn about how fees will affect your asset values in the future.
Case Study
She Paid Too Much In Hidden Fees
John is age 57 and plans to work until age 62. He had used the same advisor for over 15 years and was told that his “total fees” are about 1%, his estimation was that he pays about $15,000 on his $1,500,000 portfolio. Our RetirementLabanalysis revealed that his true total annual fees, including hidden fees, is over 4% per year, which resulted in total annual cost for his investments to be over $60,000 per year. If he continued to pay the same fees for25 years, he would pay at least $1,500,000 in fees, which is 100% of the total investment. Our RetirementLab showed him a strategy to decrease annual fees by more than 70%, potentially saving him over $1,500,000.
If you have questions, concerns, or need help making an informed decision about your future retirement income, ensuring your assets are protected and you never run out of money, we will be happy to review your options with you. Schedule a free, no obligation meeting with one of our financial advisors.
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